Briefings, Webinars & Presentations
Webinar: Invasive Carp Management
Webinar: HABs Research
Primer: Climate Change in the Great Lakes
Primer: Harmful Algal Blooms and the Great Lakes
Primer: Keeping Invasive Carp Out of the Great Lakes
Primer: The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
NEMWI Hosts Webinar on PFAS in the Great Lakes
PFAS and the Great Lakes: A Primer
“Watershed Conservation Primer and Orientation: Policy-Makers and Stakeholders”
NEMWI Hosts Webinar on Great Lakes Resiliency Issues
Great Lakes Water Resiliency Webinar
Webinar on Invasive Asian Carp and the Great Lakes
NEMWI Hosts Briefing on New Study Examining Methods of Improving Conservation Efficiency
New Study of Climate Change Impacts Presented at Capitol Hill Briefing
NEMWI Holds Briefing on Improving Conservation
Lead in Drinking Water Examined at June 6th Capitol Hill Briefing
NEMWI and the Congressional Caucus on Corrosion Prevention Hold a Briefing on Lead in Drinking Water
NEMWI Hosts Primer on Water Policies That Govern Its Availability, Quality, and Reliability
NEMWI to Hold a Primer on Water Policies That Govern its Availability, Quality, and Reliability
NEMWI Holds Congressional Great Lakes Orientation Program
NEMWI Releases New Study on Improving Conservation
NEMWI Holds Capitol Hill Briefing on Asian Carp Control in the Upper Mississippi and Ohio River Basins
NEMWI Hosts a Briefing on Asian Carp and the Great Lakes
NEMWI Holds Briefing on New Study of Cost of Nitrate Removal from the Mississippi River
NEMWI Briefing on Asian Carp
Four Perspectives on Asian Grass Carp Examined at Capitol Hill Briefing
Importance of the Soo Locks to the American Steel Industry Highlighted at Capitol Hill Briefing
Hypoxia Task Force 2017 Report to Congress Presented at Capitol Hill Briefing
Briefing Held to Highlight Maritime Issues on Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Maritime Day
Briefing Held on Nitrates and Water Treatment Costs in the Mississippi River Basin
Threats to Drinking Water Examined at NEMWI Briefing
Impact of New Markets and Historic Tax Credit Programs Explored
NEMWI Briefing Addresses Asian Carp Control in Mississippi and Ohio River Basins
Asian Carp Contingency Plan Reviewed at NEMWI Briefing
Briefing Highlights Importance of Manufacturing and Wage Growth
Capitol Hill Briefing Addresses GLRI ‘Success Stories’
Institute’s Safe Drinking Water Program Holds Briefing on Lead Crisis
Congressional Briefing on Efforts to Control Asian Carp in the Mississippi River Basin
Restoring Aquatic Connectivity: A Strategic, Landscape-Scale Approach
Fighting Blight in the Northeast-Midwest: A Capitol Hill Briefing on Vacant and Abandoned Property and the Federal Response
Susquehanna River Basin Shale Gas Water Monitoring Study
2016 CAWS Monitoring and Response Plan
NEMWI and ACRCC to Cohost Congressional Briefing on the 2016 CAWS Monitoring and Response Plan
The NEMWI and Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee Co-Host Congressional Briefing on the 2016 Asian Carp Action Plan
The NEMWI and Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee Co-Host Congressional Briefing on the 2016 Asian Carp Action Plan-VIEW THE PRESENTATION
2016 Great Lakes Asian Carp Congressional Briefing
Clarifications Needed to Strengthen the Lead and Copper Rule Working Group’s Recommendations for Long Term Revisions to the Federal Lead and Copper Rule
2015 Briefing & Webinar Recaps: Great Lakes Leaders Stress Economic Importance of Seaway System
2015 Briefing & Webinar Recaps: Water Data to Answer Urgent Water Policy Questions: Harmful Algal Blooms, Agriculture & Lake Erie
2015 Briefing Recap: Asian Carp Framework 2015
2015 Briefing Recap: Federal Support for Effective Workforce and Economic Development Practices at Every Stage of the Business Life Cycle
2015 Briefing Recap: Nutrient Trading
2015 Briefing Recap: Invasive Species Success Stories – They Exist!
2015 Briefing Recap: U.S. Army Corps Great Lakes Navigation System
2015 Briefing Recap: Great Lakes Days – Congressional Briefing on Asian Carp
2015 Briefing Recap: Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) in Great Lakes Transportation
2014 Briefing Recap: Water Wars in the Great Lakes
2014 Webinar Recap: How Well do Today’s Ballast Water Filters Perform in Natural Fresh Water?
2014 Webinar Recap: Conservation, HABs, and New Approaches
2014 Webinar Recap: Managing Harmful Algal Bloom Impacts on Drinking Water and Public Health in the Great Lakes
2014 Briefing Recap: Great Lakes Wastewater Infrastructure
2014 Webinar Recap: Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Financing in the Northeast-Midwest Region
2014 Briefing Recap: Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Draft Action Plan FY2015-19
2014 Briefing Recap: 21st Century Innovation in Great Lakes Monitoring: Fisheries Science and Technology
2014 Briefing Recap: Army Corps’ Great Lakes Mississippi River Interbasin Study Findings
2013 Briefing Recap: Future of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
2013 Briefings Recap: NEMWI Coordinates Briefings on Asian Carp eDNA, Control Framework
2013 Briefing Recap: WRRDA in the House: Impacts on the Great Lakes
2013 Briefing Recap: Harmful Algal Blooms in the Great Lakes
2013 Briefing Recap: Ballast Water Regulations in the Great Lakes