The Northeast-Midwest Institute (NEMWI)’s partnership with the American Manufacturing Communities Collaborative (AMCC), a coalition of an expanding number of regional manufacturing communities, has resulted in the creation and release of AMCC’s first ever organizational strategic plan to strengthen the American manufacturing ecosystem.
The House Manufacturing Caucus is featuring this new AMCC strategic plan as a news item on its website starting today.
Aimed at lifting regional manufacturing communities throughout America with an emphasis on innovation, diversity, and sustainability, the plan has four principal goals with strategies for each. Goal 1 is to grow the collaboration to include all types of federally designated manufacturing communities and grant recipient regions to help each adopt best practices for a thriving and sustainable economy. Goal 2 is to integrate the numerous siloed activities carried out by diverse public and private partners that vary in each region. Goal 3 is to build a set of measurements and indicators that communities can use to bring and keep stakeholders together working as one to advance common regional objectives. Goal 4 is to increase the capacity of the collaboration so it can help more regions across the country.
“This strategic plan is a result of years of close collaboration by regional leaders focused on revamping the American manufacturing ecosystem,” said AMCC Executive Director Matt Bogoshian. “America needs a plan for sustainable development to win the 21st century. The cornerstone to that plan has to be a thriving manufacturing sector led by regional leaders. We are indebted to the broad set of public and private stakeholders across the country who have given their insights to inform this strategy, and we hope many more stakeholders participate in this on-going bottom up effort.”
To see the AMCC Strategic Plan document, click HERE.
For more information on AMCC collaboration opportunities, contact Matt Bogoshian at and visit AMCC’s website at ,or Dr. Michael J. Goff, President and CEO of the Northeast-Midwest Institute, at .