Susan Andersen, Senior Fellow

Health Care Finance

L. Sue Andersen has more than 25 years’ experience as a health law attorney, consultant and law professor. She began her career as a legal services attorney assisting elderly and poor clients to establish eligibility and obtain services in a wide variety of public benefit programs, particularly with Medicaid and state health care services. Ms. Andersen started the Health Law Clinic at the George Washington University Law School in 1995. She was appointed Associate Professor of Clinical Law and, as part of the law school clinic, ran the State Health Insurance Counseling Project for the District of Columbia, a federally-funded program to assist elderly and disabled residents with Medicare, Medicaid, VA benefits, federal employee health benefits and a variety of private health insurance issues. In 2000,

Sue started her own health benefits consulting firm, Health Benefits ABCs, providing consulting services to a variety of companies and federal agencies. In 2008, Ms. Andersen joined the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association’s Washington legal team. Wearing a variety of hats, Sue managed subrogation, appeals, and coverage litigation against the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP), provided legal representation to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and a variety of Medicare contractors in Medicare appeals before the Provider Reimbursement Review Board and arbitrated state Medicare/Medicaid disputes before members of the American Arbitration Association. In 2012 Ms. Andersen was appointed to the federal Provider Reimbursement Review Board, and in 2017 was appointed as Board Chair. The Board is a federal board established under the Social Security Act to decide hospital and nursing home appeals of major Medicare payments established through cost reports, including disproportionate share funding, medical resident and intern training, bad debt, and other payments.

Ms. Andersen graduated with a B.A cum laude from St. Olaf College, received her J.D. from Antioch School of Law, and a L.L.M. from Georgetown University Law School.