In October 2016, The U.S. EPA released a 10.26.16.pdf&usg=AFQjCNGJImlbOIbAYcgjnkIiWfdj2D4KBQ&sig2=1w10sDskpK9mHhSRao-WCg&cad=rja" target="_blank">White Paper summarizing key issues that should be addressed through the forthcoming revision of the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR), as well as potential elements under consideration for the revised rule. The Northeast-Midwest Institute (NEMWI) supports all the major concepts outlined in the White Paper for the LCR revisions, including the focus on minimizing exposure to lead in drinking water, clear and enforceable requirements, transparency, environmental justice, children’s health, and integrating drinking water with cross-media lead reduction efforts. To improve the LCR’s effectiveness in protecting public health, the NEMWI offers a number of recommendations for greater specificity in the areas discussed in EPA’s White Paper. Additional proactive measures, including ongoing surveillance for lead in drinking water and aggressive public education, are critical for protecting public health and preventing further catastrophic lead exposures such as those that happened in Washington, DC and in Flint, MI. While EPA’s White Paper recommends these measures, NEMWI recommends greater specificity as discussed in the response, alongside acknowledging that CCT alone never can be a sufficient remedy for public health protection.