Updated as of October 10th, 2022
The Northeast-Midwest Institute launched a Great Lakes Legislative Tracker in early July to identify key Great Lakes legislation in process in the 117th Congress, and the progress and status of each of these bills. Currently, 44 bills and three resolutions are being tracked to examine the attention Congress is paying to Great Lakes and water legislation.
These bills are being tracked as they advance in the legislative process. Each bill is identified by its bill number and name, a brief description, any sponsors, the committee to which it is referred, and its current status. This information is updated on a weekly basis, with a specific focus on the status and position of the bill, tracking how each bill is moving through Congress.
Among the many bills tracked, notables include H.R.2008, the “Local Water Protection Act,” and H.R.2467, the “PFAS Action Act of 2021.” Both bills have already passed the House and currently sit in the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Both of these bills, if passed into law, would have enormous implications for freshwater quality both regionally and nationally.
Climate change and failing infrastructure highlight the need for Congressional action, and the Northeast-Midwest Institute will continue to monitor the progress of this legislation in the months ahead. The Great Lakes Legislative Tracker can be viewed here, and any questions can be directed to: Alex Eastman at aeastman@nemw.org