The Northeast-Midwest Institute seeks a Fall 2024 intern, starting in September 2024, to contribute to its tracking of regionally-relevant federal legislation and funding and with other federal legislative and policy monitoring and communications. The internship may be virtual, in-person, or hybrid, depending on the intern’s preference.
The Northeast-Midwest Institute has tracked and analyzed federal legislation and spending since the late-1970s. At the beginning of each year, the Institute provides an analysis of the President’s budget request, including a description of key programs and an analysis of long-term funding trends of programs critical to the region. Throughout the year, the Institute tracks the results of House and Senate action on legislation and appropriations for relevant federal programs, most notably environmental policy, including Great Lakes and water policy, and also economic policy, such as workforce development and manufacturing policy, as well as provides more detailed appropriations tracking for policy areas of special interest, and also monitors the overall Congressional legislative process. Further, the Institute follows information on federal funding opportunities and federal grant awards. The Northeast-Midwest Institute is located in downtown D.C. at 1701 Rhode Island Avenue, Office 4-102, Washington, D.C. 20036.
Possible Responsibilities
- Develop and update legislative tracking systems for bills in the U.S. Congress.
- Monitor federal legislation in general, especially in particular policy areas.
- Assist with annual analysis of the President’s budget request.
- Assist with analyzing long-term funding trends for federal programs.
- Follow and produce short write-ups on the status of the appropriations process.
- Track House, Senate, and final appropriated funding levels for federal programs, as well as relevant amendments.
- Attend and take notes at relevant hearings and briefings.
- Keep track of federal funding opportunities and grant awards of regional interest and produce short write-ups on new developments and upcoming opportunities.
- Assist with attendee registration and logistics at Capitol Hill policy briefings.
Internship Program
Institute internships are unpaid; academic course credit is available in accordance with university policy; hours are negotiable.
To Apply
Submit an introductory cover letter or email accompanied by a resume to Dr. Michael J. Goff, President and CEO, Northeast-Midwest Institute, at mgoff@nemw.org.