Northeast-Midwest Institute
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Fighting Blight in the Northeast-Midwest Region: Assessing the Federal Response to Vacant and Abandoned Properties
Fighting Blight in the Northeast-Midwest
Overcoming Impediments to Public Agency Acquisition of Brownfield Sites
The Cleanup War Chest: State Bond Financing for Environmental Initiatives and Brownfields Redevelopment
Heritage Tax Credits: Maryland’s Stimulus to Renovate Buildings and Create Jobs
Large-scale Brownfields Sustainable Tax Increment Financing Projects
Using Tax Increment Financing for Brownfields Redevelopment
Environmental and Energy Conservation Benefits of the Maryland Historic Tax Credit Program
Federal Program Summary Chart – Programs to Assist Brownfields Redevelopment in Disadvantaged Communities
Energy Benefits of Urban Infill, Brownfields, and Sustainable Urban Redevelopment
Fostering Green Development Practices- Roles of the Public Sector
Environmental and Economic Impacts of Brownfields Redevelopment
Mothballed Sites and Local Government Acquisition
Establishing Pilot Programs for Sustainable Development and Alternative Energy Reuse of Brownfields
Brownfields Redevelopment Toolbox for Disadvantaged Communities
Removing Market Barriers to Green Development
Brown to Green: Sustainable Redevelopment of America’s Brownfield Sites
Mega-Brownfields Projects Use Tax Increment Financing as the Gap-closer
Market Barriers to Green Development
An Assessment of the Impacts of Cooper v. Aviall on Brownfields Cleanups
Petroleum/UST Brownfields Cleanups
Montgomery Park: A Model for Using HUD 108 for Brownfields Development
State Brownfields Tax Incentives
Local Brownfield Financing Tools: Structures and Strategies for Spurring Cleanup and Redevelopment
Community Involvement at Brownfield Sites: Proven Strategies & Current Issues
Linking Brownfield Redevelopment and Housing
Promoting Brownfield Redevelopment: Role of Public-Private Partnerships
Getting Started with Brownfields – Key Issues and Opportunities: What Communities Need to Know
Petroleum Brownfields: How Can Communities Promote Their Reuse?
Financing Brownfield Redevelopment in Small Towns and Rural Areas: Helpful Hints and Examples
State and Local Non-Cash Tools and Strategies for Enhancing a Brownfield Project’s Bottom Line
State Brownfield Planning Assessment and Cleanup Programs
Guide to Federal Brownfields Programs
Brownfield Redevelopment: Trends in Federal Program Policies and Funding
From Rags to Riches: Innovations in Petroleum Brownfields
State Brownfield Financing Tools and Strategies
Brownfields State of the States in 2004
Life after the Grant, Phase II – EPA Brownfields Assistance
From Brownfields to Housing: Opportunities, Issues and Answers
Community Involvement in Brownfield Redevelopment
Role of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Brownfields Redevelopment
Brownfields “State of the States”
Northeast-Midwest Institute Staff Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity on Using HUD’s BEDI Program to Enhance Brownfield Financing Opportunities
Using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund for Brownfields and USTfields
Recycling America’s Gas Stations
Integrating Sediment Cleanup and Brownfield Redevelopment
Brownfields Basics: An Issue Primer
How Are State Voluntary Cleanup Programs Encouraging Residential Development?
Northeast-Midwest Institute Testimony on Brownfield Financing and Tax Incentive Issues
Brownfield Redevelopment and Transportation Policy
Marketing Brownfield Cleanup Technologies
Brownfield Voluntary Cleanup Program Impacts: Reuse Benefits, State by State
Working on Brownfields: The Employment and Training Connection
Coming Clean for Economic Development