NEMWI Provides Further Analysis of President’s FY2017 Budget Request

The Northeast-Midwest Institute’s (NEMWI) in-depth analysis of the President’s FY2017 Budget Request was released February 26, 2016. NEMWI annually analyzes the budget request for funding levels, provisions, and newly proposed initiatives that will greatly impact the NEMW region’s economy and environment. This year’s analysis focuses on a selection of programs and initiatives in five areas of interest:

  • Economic and Workforce Development
  • Energy Assistance, Efficiency, and Supply
  • Aquatic Resources
  • Water and Transportation Infrastructure
  • Neighborhood and City Revitalization

Based on this selection, the FY2017 budget request shows considerable support for the manufacturing sector, clean energy and energy efficiency, and land and water conservation. The budget displays less support, however, for restoration of the Great Lakes and the Chesapeake Bay, block grant programs for community development and low-income home energy assistance, and commercial harbor maintenance.

See also:

Our budget day fact sheet, which highlights some of the funding levels and provisions that would have the greatest impact on the NEMW region

Our table of additional priority programs and their recent appropriated and requested funding levels

Our ongoing appropriations tracking, which includes a compilation of relevant appropriations letters and legislative updates

For more information, contact Colleen Cain, Sr. Policy Analyst, at the Northeast-Midwest Institute.