Revitalizing Older Cities Summit Report

Over 300 stakeholders from older industrial cities throughout the Northeast and Midwest region attended the Revitalizing Older Cities Capitol Hill Summit, including mayors, city officials, Members of Congress and their staff, academics, representatives and leaders of foundations, community-based organizations, public and private developers, and nonprofit organizations. They came to develop a federal agenda that would change federal policies that contribute to sprawl development and to encourage investment in and support for the nation’s core cities and towns. During the two days, Summit participants concurred that: 1) Federal policies have had a significant impact on the economy of older cities; 2) While the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provides badly needed funding to address critical needs, much more needs to be done to ensure that the federal government becomes an active and supportive partner in revitalizing core cities and towns; 3) A broad-based metropolitan agenda, while critical, needs to recognize and provide for the particular needs of these struggling cities; and 4) The future of the economy and the environment rests on the ability of the federal government to creatively build on the assets and opportunities of core cities and towns. This event report summarizes the federal agenda that participants developed together.

Revitalizing Older Cities Summit Report