The President’s FY2016 Budget and the Northeast-Midwest Region

The President’s FY2016 Budget Request is titled “Middle Class Economics,” indicating the Administration’s focus on anchors of economic security for working families: child care, education, health care, homeownership, and retirement. As in the nation, the region’s middle class is struggling to recover from the Great Recession; median household incomes in the Northeast and Midwest continue to stagnate and are below pre-recession levels, even as the costs of these anchors rise. In line with the Budget’s emphasis on economics, the President requests increased spending levels for a range of programs meant to ensure economic stability for the middle class and improve economic mobility for working and poor families by investing in job training, housing, and communities. The Budget also supports environmental protection and restoration, as well as energy and water infrastructure, despite cuts to several programs relevant to the region. This Northeast-Midwest Institute (NEMWI) Note to the Coalitions reviews the President’s FY2016 Budget from a regional perspective to assist NEMW public and private stakeholders in advocating collaboratively for shared federal policy priorities. Many of the programs covered in this report are longstanding and historically important; others are proposed for FY2016 and potentially beneficial for the region.

The President’s FY2016 Budget and the Northeast-Midwest Region